Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trouble with the blog

If you have been reading this blog and have tried to comment in the past few days but are having trouble, will you please let me know by sending me an e-mail. My e-mail address is puttinontheritz@comcast.net.

Another person that has tried to comment has not been able to sign in after trying several times and I still haven't figured out the reason why. Let me know if anyone else is having this problem. Thanks!


mybloomnart said...

Hi Ritz...you might want to try and go to your dashboard and then the settings section, and then the comments section. Where it says "Who Can Comment", check on the box that says, "Anyone - includes Anonymous Users". The other settings restrict some commenter's. Hope this helps!

Ritz said...

Yea Sherri! Thanks for telling me how to fix the problem. I did exactly what you said to do and now everyone can comment. I didn't realize that their were restrictions on who could comment.
My husband and I were reading everything on the help page, etc. but most of it pertained to the blogger posting, not others commenting. We are computer idiots, and really appreciate your help!