Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to Smelling Good Again, Diet Support Group

Well here goes. This blog is for people who have metabolic body odor, and will benefit from staying on a low carbohydrate diet. The diet that I'm talking about is not the one for TMAU (a low choline foods diet). On this diet, some of the mainstays are chicken, fish, and eggs, because the protein is needed to heal the body. On this diet all sugars (including honey and natural sugars) are avoided because they increase body odor.

I am a forty-something woman who has been dealing with this condition for about 5 years. I consider my condition to be on the extreme side, and it caused me to quit my job a few years ago. Since that time, I've been reading, researching and experimenting with all kinds of diets, supplements, and products to try to alleviate this problem, and the only time I noticed a big improvement in the odor is when I was able to stay on the low-carb diet for an extended period of time. After a month or two (at the most) on the restricted diet, I always start to cheat, a little here and a little there, until I'm back to eating just the way everyone else in the house eats. My husband and kids don't have any dietary restrictions, and having "their" food in the house makes it that much harder. When I go off the diet, the odor comes back. I think if I could only stay on it until my body heals and I build my enzymes back up, maybe I could get permanently better.

I was hoping I'd find some kindred spirits out there who may be experiencing the same problem, and we could support and encourage each other. Just like alcoholics have "buddies" they can call when they feel like they are going to drink. If this sounds like something you could use, please write. Tell me a little of your history- no specific personal details necessary.

I think this problem is beatable. I read enough about other people who have been where I am, and have managed to turn this around completely. Personally, there have been times when I've been able to improve my own situation enough (when I'm being strict) to have a fairly normal life.

Let's do this together. Please write and we'll get started.

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