Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hi again: I wanted to write more about the diet I've been trying to stick with for the past year. Besides my own research on what would be best for me, I got a lot of information from another blog, The administrator of that blog was able to eliminate his body odor with a very strict diet consisting mostly of vegetables and some meat and eggs. When I stayed on that diet, although I lost a lot of weight (I'm already thin), and had no energy, I did notice a significant reduction in odor. The other blogger also did a lot of other helpful things such as colonics, and some antifungals, and had a pretty intense exercise routine. His positive attitude was impressive, and probably played a big role in his recovery. Even though he stopped blogging once he got better, I still visit his site sometimes just for inspiration.

I hope that through this blog, we can encourage each other, and learn from each other what the best way is to get rid of this. I know everyone is different and believe we are not all in the same place as far as our recovery is concerned, but any help and support with this difficult condition would be greatly appreciated by anyone going through this.

I am about to have a "fresh start" where my diet and exercise programs are concerned. I've been pretty lax for the past few months, because of lack of discipline, and just being tired of it all, but I think it's worse to have the odor, which I do again. I'm willing to write often about my experiences and hope I'll hear from lots of others with helpful info. I'm going to do my best to be positive throughout this experience, because that will take us a lot further, and to be consistent with this program. One thing I noticed about myself for the last few years is that I tend to try lots of new products for a little while, then give up and move on to something else. I've never had good results while doing that.

I hope to hear from you.


Gella said...

HI, im LL , i too have trouble sticking to ..anything really. ive never commited to relationships, the longest ive been able to hold down a job is a month and the longest ive stuck to a diet is 3weeks, that was without support so im hoping that this site will push me further, iv smelt for 1 and a half years now and i think iv had enough,i mean, if i cant stick to this diet to save my life, i might as well be dead. so im going to do this for myself. and im here for anyone else who needs support, so what everybody going to be eating for lunch everyday? any ideas will be very helpfull?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ritz...this is a great idea! Will you post your daily food logs also? And your reactions to certain foods...I am trying to stay on a sugar, meat and dairy free way of eating. And it is VERy Hard!

bohogirl said...

I suffer from fecal body odour. I'm just starting a diet too. I'll follow your blog closely! At the moment I'm having really bad issues digesting anything, and feel so tired all the time. I'm really skinny (a bit underweight) so this is going to be very tricky for me. goodluck everyone.We will get there. :)

Ritz said...

Welcome Bohogirl, Congrats, on making up your mind to stick to a new diet. I have had so much going on lately that I'm still "transitioning" back to the diet. In other words, I'm eating about 80% of what's on the diet and some fruit, and even a little red meat, but as of Wednesday, I'm going to be officially on it again. I am excited to have people to go through this with me. We WILL get there! Thanks for writing.

chanman said...

Hi Ritz, I suffer from fecal breath/body odor. I'm 23 years old and this terrible curse has ruined my life. I've tried the candida diet in the past & always ended up cheating, this diet is very hard to follow, but I want to be normal again, so I've started fresh recently by starting a parasite/kidney/bowel cleanse & the following the diet & taking probiotics, I need to start exercising though cause I'm sure that's a important part of getting toxins out.