Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today is the day!

I'm back on the diet, and am glad to have all the obligations of the last few days behind me so I can focus on it. Between exercising, shopping for food/juice stuff, making the food and juice, etc. it keeps me pretty busy. I wonder sometimes how I'll keep this up and go back to work, but I'll find a way. More than anything in the world, I want to be back to work, and around people again. I really don't want to go through another lonely winter in this house. Now there's some incentive!

So far today, I've just had my green tea, water, green drink, Colonix, and some soaked, raw walnuts (ground up) with a little cinnamon and kefir. I decided to keep a small serving of nuts in the diet, at least for now, because I'm trying to avoid becoming super skinny. My family really gives me a hard time when I'm too thin, and I don't need the hassle right now. In Dr. Timothy Brantley's book "The Cure, Heal Your Body, Save Your Life", he says that nuts are ok as long as they are soaked first. He says that grains, seeds and nuts contain enzyme inhibitors. It's only when water hits the grain, seed or nut that it would activate, then we can digest them properly. This seems to be true in my case, so I decided to leave walnuts and almonds (organic, raw) in for now. I soak about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of nuts overnight in filtered water.

Same thing with the kefir - a little bit each day. If my progress isn't fast enough in a month or two, then I'll have to eliminate the kefir and nuts, but I'm hoping that's not the case.

I'm also looking into a diet by Ann Louise Glittleman, Ph.d. She is an expert in the world of nutrition. She has a plan - called a fat flush plan to clean the liver and colon in which you fast one day a week on unsweetened cranberry juice. I was wondering what the significance of cranberry juice was as opposed to vegetable juice, and read that cranberry juice is a fat emulsifier. If you have a fatty liver (like I'm sure I do) then this could be a good way to improve that condition. I'm not going to start my one day a week fasts for probably a week and a half, until I'm used to my new way of eating.

That's it for now. I always get brain fog for a while when I start detoxing, so please excuse me if I ramble, or don't make a lot of sense.


Ritz said...

I spelled Ann Louise Gittleman's name wrong and wanted to correct that. I just started her book this a.m. (couldn't sleep), and it's awesome. I think it's going to be a big help to me as far as diet goes. She does eat a lot of fruit, and I don't eat any right now, but the book has some recipes that will add some more choices to this diet. Felt tired yesterday, and ended the day with a migraine. I discovered lately that an ice pack on the back of the neck does wonders to alleviate a migraine. It slows down the blood flow to the vessels in the head that are engorged. It only took me ten years of having migraines to discover this. Oh well, better late than never I guess.

On to day #2.

mybloomnart said...

ritz...what kind of eating habits does A.L.Gittleman recommend?

Ritz said...

Hi Sherri:

There is a lot of information on Gittleman's fast track liver detox here:

I think her diet is probably more popular with those who want to lose weight. The reason I want to try it is because she emphasizes that the body stores most of its toxins in the fat cells, so if that is flushed out, it gets rid of the toxins. It really makes sense for myself, because even though I'm a thin person, I have a lot of cellulite - which is just fat under the skin.

I'm not going to do anything as far as her protocol goes until I finish the book, then I'll decide. It's very interesting, though. Hope you are doing good. I'm hanging in there. Missing carbs.

Lounging said...

Hey guys im LL, had trouble signing in with my other account so i just got a new one. i just started on my diet, its going well, havent had too many cravings yet but im sure im going to soon. im just looking fwd to being smell free, time used to fly(wasnt on diet) but now its going really slow. how long is everyone else staying off fruit for? does anybody else smoke ciggarettes? should i quit? im quite addicted... i feel like this time around im going to ride it out to the very end, iv currently cut my antidepressants dows(they make me eat)and im feeling alot more focussed, alert and im feeling as if iv got more will power also. does anybody have any books on candida or leaky gut that they can reccomend? i love reading new information on all of this stuff thats happening to us body odor sufferers. im pretty sure im going to get into natural medicine when im older im facinated in it. well cya

Ritz said...

Hi LL: I know what you mean when you say time flies when your not on a diet and drags when you are. It seems that way for me too.

I plan to stay off fruit/grains for as long as it takes to beat this thing. I think the Aussie guy did it in 4.5 months, but another Aussie said he had to stay on the strict diet for a year before he could add things back. If it has to be a year, I'm ok with that. I've already given too much of my life up for this stupid disorder.

If you can, I'd try to get off cigarettes. Might be really hard right now since you just started a new diet. Maybe pick a date in the not too distant future and try to start cutting back on them.

I really don't have any books with leaky gut info. I got all my info from curezone, from people who have had success in healing it. My gut really likes this diet I'm on. If I stick to it, it doesn't hurt at all and processes food just the way it's supposed to. That's how I know it's the right thing for me.

Today I started taking something called "Intestinal Conditioner" by Nature's Life, because I wasn't taking anything with L-Glutamine in it. It also has fiber, probiotics and herbs in it. The taste is pretty nasty, but I still want to give it a try to see if it helps keep my gut in good shape. I read that the most important nutrient in healing the gut is glutamine, so if you have leaky gut, I'd find a product to take that has it in it.